February Goals.

So my weekly goals thing didn’t quite work out.  This is mostly because (excluding this week), I really didn’t have time to blog as frequently as I would have liked.

However, I would like to set a few mini goals for the month of February:

1. Continue to lose weight – I’ve lost 7 pounds this month and I feel great! I still have a long way to go before I reach my ultimate goal, but for once in my life, I’m really trying to look at my short term weight loss goals instead of the long term.  I’ll be honest, my weight loss really is not obvious to other people, and I don’t think my weight loss will probably be noticeable for another month or two. But I’ve been noticing how my clothes are fitting differently and how I feel better, so I think that is what’s important.  I have no certain number of pounds I specifically want to shed every month, my ultimate goals is just to lose something every week, even if its only .2 pounds.

2. Start practicing more yoga – I’ve taken a few yoga classes and every time I do them I feel so much more balanced.  I think I’m going to try to start going to a class once a week and maybe even buy a DVD to do at home.

3. Try to spend less money – Last month, I didn’t use my credit cards AT ALL! This is a huge deal for me and I’m so proud of myself.  My next step is trying to not be as frivolous with my spending.  This means less trips to Starbucks and trying not to eat out to dinner as much.  I think if I limit myself to trying to buy food out to eat only once or twice a week, it will help me significantly to save money.  I’m also trying to take into account the fact that gas prices are definitely sky rocketing, so even though I drive a very fuel efficient car, I’m definitely spending more money on gas every month.

4. Stay Organized – I did not do very well with this last month.  I started to organize my room this week, but I’m currently in the middle of what looks like a tornado attacked my room.  I really need to get papers and school books in some sort of organization so I’m prepared for the semester.

Okay, I’m not going to crazy with goal setting for February.  It’s going to be kind of a hectic month for me, and I’m cautious to set too many goals because I think I won’t have time to dedicate to them.  Also, the snow we’ve been getting here lately has been causing a ruckus in many of my plans (We’ve already gotten 50 inches of snow this winter!).

Do you have any February goals? Are you New Year’s Goals or Resolutions going as planned?

About Emily

musings of a twenty-something.
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11 Responses to February Goals.

  1. Michelle says:

    Em, I just bought 3 Denise Austin workout vids, a quick cardio one, a pilates one, and a yoga one. She’s fantastic! And congrats on the 7 pounds, girl! I need to listen to your rationale and stop spending money as well… 😛

  2. simplyshaka says:

    Nice job on the credit cards—that’s huge and a great habit to get into!

    My new years goals are going well so far so I’m happy 🙂

  3. Good luck on your goals! 7 pounds? Damn, girl, that is impressive! All of these goals are things I have to work on too 🙂

  4. Alicia says:

    Congratulations on the weight loss! Thats great!! And not using credit cards for a month??? Nice!! Looks like you have had a great January!! 🙂


  5. Whitney says:

    Congrats on losing weight and not using the credit card. 🙂

    I hope to read more, spend less money on food (boy, this is a tough one!), get in more exercise (yep – another toughie for me), and spend more time with friends. I say hope because I have yet to accomplish them… :/

    That’s okay, it’s a new day! 🙂

  6. Katie H. says:

    Awesome job Emily! Yippee on feeling great! Yoga will definitely have a great impact on you as well.

    My New Year’s goals are NOT going as planned. January was a whirlwind 😀 This month I am going to start training for my next half. Woohoo!

  7. Heather says:

    i am v. proud of you.
    and can’t wait to see you next week.

  8. Heyyyy congrats on the 7 pounds! That’s great 🙂 I’m planning on doing the yoga thang a bit more this month, too.

  9. Good goals! I definitely want to lose weight…basically by staying on track with what i eat and my workouts. Plus we are spending less to save for our trip to Ireland in 3 months, can’t wait!

  10. Jen says:

    Congrats on the weight loss! Its hard but I have faith in you! You should come to yoga with me sometime!

  11. My goals are quite similar to yours, especially the yoga and spending less $$ Congrats on the 7 pounds !!!!!!!!!

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