Fashion Friday: Getting Aquatinted with the Old

Hello my friends! I apologize for my absence but its been a crazy three weeks.  After tomorrow, only one week left of summer classes until freedom 🙂  Three summer classes in four weeks is really intense so I have really been MIA from the internet in general.

However, I had some time tonight and decided to do a fashion friday blog post!  Losing weight has made me become even more of a crazy shop-o-holic than I was before because it seems every four weeks my clothes are getting too big.  While its great I’m losing weight and shrinking sizes, my bank account sure does not like me constantly spending money on clothing all the time.

I started to pick through my wardrobe tonight and tried some tricks to make things not look too big on me.  I used belts to cinch certain areas and tucked shirts that were too big on the bottom into my pants.  I think I found a couple of really cute outfits 🙂

Outfit #1
Plaid Shirt = Ann Taylor Loft
Black Shorts = H&M
Belt = Banana Republic
Black Wedges = Marc Fisher (Macy’s)

Outfit #2
White Cardigan = GAP
Shirt, Black Belt, & Grey Pumps = Banana Republic
Navy Crop Pants = JCrew

Outfit #3
Tunic = H&M
Belt = Banana Republic
Scarf and Leopard Print Shoes = American Eagle

Outfit #4
Printed Dress, Earrings, and Purple Belt = Banana Republic
Grey Pumps = Nine West

Outfit #5
Purple Dress = Gap
Leopard Print Shoes = American Eagle

Outfit #6
Striped Shirt & Jeans = JCrew
Belt = Banana Republic
Leopard Print Shoes = American Eagle

Most the outfits are pretty fall like, but I have to wear nice clothes for my job and its often cold where I work, so I probably would wear these outfits to work even during the summer.  Most of the dresses look like potato sacks on me now, so I made them into drop waisted dresses with belts and sashes.  This is a great trick if you have dresses that are too big on you because the extra material is perfect amount to turn them into a drop waisted dress.  Tucking in my shirts in my pants was also great because I am large chested, so the shirts still fit in my chest.  You would never know that they are too big on the bottom 😉

I’m so glad tomorrow is Friday.  I will hopefully be back to a regular blogging schedule as of next weekend and will finally have a chance to catch up on my google reader!

I hope you all have been having a wonderful summer ❤

Do you have any fashion tips for making your clothes fit better if they’re too big, too small, etc?

About Emily

musings of a twenty-something.
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7 Responses to Fashion Friday: Getting Aquatinted with the Old

  1. I love these outfits and you look amazing! Congrats on your progress so far and keep the Fashion Friday posts coming!

  2. Such cute outfits!!!! I LOVE outfit #1! 🙂
    Happy Friday girly!

  3. Alicia says:

    I lovee these!! You look great!!

  4. You look awesome and these outfits are so cute! Love those cropped pants 🙂

  5. Katie H says:

    You look fantastic, as always! I love your fashion posts! I love that you are belting the dresses to make them work for you- genius!

  6. You look amazing! I have the opposite problem in clothes right now- I keep having to buy new clothes because all of mine are too tight :/

  7. Sarah says:

    Your progress is inspiring! Thank you! I am a style retard, so the fact that you are able just to throw all this together is pretty awesome.

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