Bridal Shower Cupcakes

I apologize for being so MIA lately, but my blogging inspiration has been non-existent, and usually when I’m feeling uninspired to post, I will bake something.  Unfortunately, it has been brutally hot & humid in upstate NY this past week, and my desire to turn on my oven, in my kitchen that doesn’t have central air, would probably be a death sentence.

However, one of my best friend’s sisters is getting married and they asked me to make the cupcakes for her bridal shower.  I was so excited, a real excuse to bake and I wouldn’t have to eat the cupcakes all by myself 😉

The theme was pink lemonade, so they wanted some lemon cupcakes and wanted pink & yellow decorations.  I had a few recipes saved that I thought would be perfect.

The first dozen I made were Pink Lemon Heart Cupcakes.

These were really easy to make, but if I did the heart decoration again, I would probably buy a slightly smaller heart cookie cutter because the edges kept breaking. I didn’t actually taste the cupcakes, but the frosting was good 🙂

The second dozen that I made were Strawberry Lemonade Cupcakes:

The frosting on these cupcakes is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! The strawberry puree makes it so delicious 🙂 I would definitely make these cupcakes again.

The last dozen I made were Funfetti:

For the funfetti colors, I used pink and yellow sprinkles and I thought they came out really cool! The cake almost looked like tie dye 🙂

My friend told me the cupcakes were a hit! I’m so glad everyone enjoyed them.

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday ❤

About Emily

musings of a twenty-something.
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7 Responses to Bridal Shower Cupcakes

  1. Alicia says:

    Those look so good!! Mmm

  2. You are the cupcake queen! They look amazing in both flavor and appearance 🙂 Do you use a cupcake decorator to decorate the tops? I have one, but mine never look as pretty as yours!

    • Emily says:

      I use a big cake tip! Maybe I’ll do a vlog eventually and show how I decorate them 🙂 Its actually really easy, but you need to have a decent size cake tip!

  3. Sweet Cheeks says:

    AW! those are so cute!!

  4. So precious! I love these!

    Heather from CDNY Blogger Meetup shared your blog with me- hope to meet you all at a meetup soon! 🙂

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